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Celebrating Maggie


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Just got back from Finchley today where we celebrated with a Maggie Magic weekend. Fantastic it was. Two days of reminiscence kicked off with a rememberance of that great day 30 years ago.




Re-enactment of the 1980 Party Conference - "You turn if you want to. The lady?s not for turning".


VA day re-enactment - how the war won the 1983 election for our great leader.


A big game of Monopoly to celebrate the Privatisation & right to buy policies.




Bashing the Miners. A look back at the defeat of the oiks. Everyone wore shreaded wheat on their heads to lampoon Mr Scargill.


Bashing the Unions. (see above but without the shreaded wheat)


Cold War/Hot War: A look back at the relationship with Mr Reagan and the great steps we took to end the Cold War.


A night in playing Cluedo - a re-enactment of the back stabbing and betrayal of our great leader by Tory snakes.



Grande Finale. Ten Pin Bowling. Lobbing bowling balls down an alley at effigies of Kinnock, Heath, Hattersley, Mitterand, Scargill, etc.....



Organisers are pleased with the event and are considering making it an annual event - hoping next year to host it at the Orgreave WMC, Rotherham. Should be a cracker.

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Obs, that is a fabulous idea.... A statue to the greatest prime minister this country has ever known (well after Churchill anyway!).... right here in Warrington! You impress me with your ideas sometimes! :lol:

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Obviously your deficienct in historical knowledge Baz; but I suppose it aids your inconsistency! :roll::wink:


Well you suggested it Obs, not me. Mind you, I thought it would be somewhat at odds with your socialist values but never mind!!

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The event may well compete with the day she dies, which I am hoping will become a National Holiday. :wink: Maggie May Day possibly, still 26 days left :wink:


I don't think we should waste a bank holiday for this event wolfie, people will be celebrating all over the country regardless. :lol::lol:


You can order your T-shirts ready for the big day on this site http://www.maggiethatcher.com/ :wink::wink:

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Our present incumbent though crap is a million times better than Maggie the witch :!::!::!:


It was ignorant people that put her in in the first place :!:


That put her in three times you mean? if that is the case Sgt then the alternatives must have been pretty horrendous then!

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I would disagree Obs, the people voted for Bliar on the third occasion and got Brown instead. That was the catalyst for the downfall of NuLabour.


Despite what people may say, politics in this country is all about characters as well as policies (How else did Boris get elected mayor of London?)

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It is a fact that Maggie made it easier for foreign companies to buy British companies, she thought it would bring investment, as we can see now it was a crap idea and we are suffering for it. Hardly any British owned companies :wink: and you lot harping on about Jonny foreiner :wink:

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Baz; the electoral system in this Country, provides for the election of MPs - NOT PMs: whoever has the majority puts their elected Leader in place. :roll: The fact that the planks vote for "personalities" is again an indication of our dumbed down electorate. :roll::wink:

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Obs I know that but it is the party leader who does all the TV air time interviews and he is the one people vote for by voting for their local candidate.


I mean how many people actually knew anything about Southworth and Jones before they were voted in? They certainly knew about Bliar though just like now people are listening to Dave and wanting him to be leader knowing the only way to get that is to vote for their local guy.


Personally I have no desire to vote someone like Mowatt into a job where he earns ?70,000 a year and can top that up to over ?250,000 in expenses.. but in order to get Brown out, that is the only way to do it


Yes the electorate a fickle creatures as you are only too well aware but most would come out with the "I'm voting for thatnice Mr cameron" rather than "I aint voting for that one eyed thieving jock"

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I'm voting for that nice Mr cameron


Blair clone :!::!::!::wink:


Sgt, you may well be right but that is obviously what appeals to folk. Why do you think kinnock never got elected? Because he was the uglier option of the two!!

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