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Overseas Aid?


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Due to the economic crisis, the Government are considering reducing OUR overseas aid - good or bad move? :? . One wonders why we give cash to China and India, both now with their own space programmes? :? Keep funding Zimbawe, when Mugabe insists on wrecking their agricultural base and economy? :shock: It's even been suggested, that those poor Somali pirates wouldn't be naughty anymore, if we started giving them aid! :roll: So does "aid" merely create "aid dependency", and represent money "down the drain"? :?

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I sense rather too much of the aid gets diverted to the bank accounts of despotic leaders...whilst their citizens starve. The old saying "charity starts at home" might be appropriate, and certainly much tighter controls on any aid that we do give...and in fairness some aid is justified to those folk who are suffering natural disasters etc.

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This from a Tory MP on Conservative Home:


By Daniel Kawczynski MP.


I recently returned from an International Development Select Committee trip to Kenya and Tanzania.


We currently give Kenya and Tanzania ?50 million and ?150 million respectively each year in international aid, yet a great deal of what our money is being used for in Kenya could easily be provided by Microfinance.


All the local newspapers in Nairobi during our stay had stories about how the President and senior ministers are about to spend ?100 million on buying new helicopters for themselves from Russia.


Can an incoming Conservative government really continue to give so much to Kenya?


British pensioners are cutting back on meals to save money as Kenya spends so much on luxuries for its government. And guess what the monthly salary and expenses package is for a Kenyan MP? It is ?8,000!

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Just simply stop it - unless it's used in a way that international agencies can target the funds to point of need and also to build a capacity for a self sustainable economy. :? Zimbawe's white farmers, used to produce a wealth of food, making it renown as the "bread basket" of Africa; Mugabe's redistribution policies in giving the land to his lazy, incompetant supporters has destroyed all that - so sorry - no more money for his Swiss bank account. :twisted:

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