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How to discourage teenage pregnancies - NOT!


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  • 1 month later...
Why are kids of 13 even thinking of having sex :shock::shock:




Because it is everywhere! I don't mean people are fornicating on the pavements, in shops etc. (well, they may be - in some quarters) but it's blatant on TV, in magazines and newspapers and it's flaunted in front of children. They think it's something they should be doing because everyone else is.

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Across the road from our previous house were 5 households, 4 of which were occupied by single women (all divorced, I think) with children. 3 of these women chaged their boyfriends fairly regularly.


Now I'm not saying they shouldn't have a life but I always wondered what it said to the children about relationships when the boyfriends "stayed over" frequently, then the relationship finished & the next boyfriend began to "stay over" frequently, then the relationship finished & the ....... ad infinitum

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  • 3 weeks later...

its a fact there are 14 year olds having sex as sad as it is they are still children,its to discourage pregnancys to those who do...parents and schools should discourage primiscuity and encourage what choices they have in life when they havent got kids in tow from an early age...dont just throw condoms at them give them a reason not to cause unwanted pregnancys..its a fact of life your always going to get them.......

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Daily Mail:


"A multi-million pound initiative to reduce teenage pregnancies more than doubled the number of girls conceiving.

The Government-backed scheme tried to persuade teenage girls not to get pregnant by handing out condoms and teaching them about sex.

But research funded by the Department of Health shows that young women who attended the programme, at a cost of ?2,500 each, were 'significantly' more likely to become pregnant than those on other youth programmes who were not given contraception and sex advice.

A total of 16 per cent of those on the Young People's Development Programme conceived compared with just 6 per cent in other programmes.

Experts said the scheme failed because it introduced girls 'at risk' of becoming pregnant to promiscuous girls they might not otherwise have met.


Because of peer pressure, the more timid teenagers were more likely to have sex and become pregnant.

The ?5.9million YPDP programme was also designed to slash cannabis use and drunkenness among teenagers, but made no difference whatsoever.

Last night ministers pledged to drop the scheme after admitting it had failed. Around 40,000 teenage girls become pregnant every year in the UK, the highest level in western Europe.

The failed YPDP, launched in 2004, was based on a similar scheme in New York claimed to have significantly reduced teenage pregnancies.


However, attempts to replicate the work elsewhere in the U.S. did not lead to a fall in teenage pregnancies, casting doubt on the project as a whole.

In England, 2,371 teenagers took part in the programme over three years. They were nominated by social workers, teachers or NHS staff who thought they were at risk of school exclusion, drug abuse and pregnancy"

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  • 1 month later...

Well after reading the article that in the North West and Warrington there is a major increase in HIV, maybe just maybe this might make the teens think.


The main exposures for new HIV cases were heterosexual sex (4,446 individuals - 48per cent) and sex between men (382 individuals - 41 per cent).

Forty-two percent of new cases were reported to be infected abroad and the majority were black Africans.


No doubt with more immigrants coming in as well as natural progression this will only get worse.

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