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Looks like this knee jerk Government is classing everyone as having something to hide or being a potential terrorist instead of focusing on the ones who fly out to Pakistan and India to the Al-Queda training camps and the ones who get caught in a war zone like Iraq or Afghanistan while on "holidays"


It hit home to me when I flew out to Gibraltar last year and the Nazi immigration cops at Gatwick were searching old women and making people on crtches take off their shoes for searching after that Muslim shoe bomber got caught.... suddenly everyone is a potential shoe bomber...

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.... focusing on the ones who fly out to Pakistan and India to the Al-Queda training camps and the ones who get caught in a war zone like Iraq or Afghanistan while on "holidays"


.....coz terrorists would never think of flying to a destination which isn't monitored and travelling on from there. :roll::roll::roll:

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Telegraph reader, That explains a lot asperity,

So this is the paper that gives you unbiased news and opinion



I think not :!:


Jumping to conclusions with no evidence yet again LtKije!! I read a wide variety of publications on line and don't agree with the opinions of any of them in particular. I make my own mind up unlike, it seems, you. 8)8)

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I read


The Guardian and the Inependent and on sunday the Observer, all of which are good and are not a supporter of a political party.


The Mail, Times, Telegraph all have a biased political view, The Mail being by far the worst. :wink:


Online I get my news from BBC and ITN,


I do not read the tabloids as I have no interest in who is sleeping with who or Jade Goody :wink:

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I read


The Guardian and the Inependent and on sunday the Observer, all of which are good and are not a supporter of a political party.


The Mail, Times, Telegraph all have a biased political view, The Mail being by far the worst. :wink:


Online I get my news from BBC and ITN,


I do not read the tabloids as I have no interest in who is sleeping with who or Jade Goody :wink:


I take it that you believe the Guardian, Independent and the Observer are "good" because they share your political bias and prejudices. I find that most papers are pro EU and sadly uncritical of the government, which is why we find ourselves so embroiled in the corrupt EU with no real say in which direction the country is being led. As for the BBC, it should be renamed the Brown Broadcasting Company because of the way it acts as the government mouthpiece. :roll::roll::roll:


I do applaud your avoiding the tabloids though :wink:

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