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Last time blue bins were emptied they left two by our gate, so one's been left on the pavement waiting for someone to claim it. I've kept an eye on it after someone dropped fast food packaging in it (I fished it out for the black bin), but here's the latest...


Someone took the dog for a walk, scooped the poop in a plastic bag, then dropped the bag in this blue recycling bin...


Yes, I did fish it out....

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.....if no one claims it then leave it out there to get filled better that throwing the rubbish on the floor..




I'd move it somewhere else. Thanks to bloody people who leave their bins out round here loads of us had all the coping tiles? (I think that's what they are called) taken off our high walls and my son recently had his mountain bike taken :evil:


Scallies used other people's left out bins as ladders :evil:

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Our blue bin wasn't emptied because someone added some plastic bags when it was put out for collection. When my husband phoned to complain (his argument was it would have saved time if the collector had removed the plastic bag and put it in the black bin that was alongside it compared to opening the bin, then getting a sticker to slap on the bin to tell us it was CONTAMINATED!) the woman that he spoke to told him to empty the blue bin into the black one so we didn't have to wait three weeks to get it emptied! Surely that defeats the whole object of recycling? And how are you supposed to stop people putting extra stuff into your bin once it has been put out for collection?

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The whole collection thing hasn't been thought through, apart from the European ruling to "go green" and the various councils rushing to make sure that the boxes are ticked.



PS. The FULL blue bins did get emptied and some of those had plastic bags above the lid.

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The EU came up with the recycling idea because, unlike the UK, most of Europe has insufficient landfill sites. And because the EU is one size fits all we have to bow to their recycle decision. Unfortunately because recycling means sending most of our rubbish to China the economicic downturn has scuppered these plans. Sh1t happens :D:D

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