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Reminded me that the ancient Romans had a problem of piracy in the Mediterranian, where their grain supplies from Egypt were threatened and VIPs were regularly ransommed. :shock: So they commissioned Consul Gnius Pompieus (Pompey the Great) to sort it out, and in the usual methodical Roman manner, he divided the Med into operational sectors, positioned a Squadron of warships to clear each section of pirates and attacked their Cicilian HQ in S/Turkey; thus sorting the problem in 12 months. :shock: Seems there is nothing new under the sun, and the lesson of history are there, providing we look! :wink:

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Well the Romans certainly knew how to sort problems out - methodically and remorselessly. :shock: At the seige of Numantia, the besieged Spanish General told the Romans that they would hold out for 10 years; to which the Roman General replied; OK we'll take the fort the day after 10 years. :shock: Needless to say, the sight of such resolve caused him to surrender immediatley. :wink:

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