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RL referees


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In the light of what's happened in the last few days is it now time to distance players from referees? Since the advent of referees wearing mics you can hear the referee beckoning players over using their first names and in some instances imploring players to get on side once again using their first names. Isn't this getting a little bit too pally ? Can you imagine Sergeant Major Eric Clay saying to AJ Murphy * I say Alex old chap would you mind if I had a word in your ear?* No, more than likely it would have been *Oi !! Murphy !! Gerrover 'ere !!* A referee was manhandled by a player at the JJB last week, perhaps proving the old adage that familiarity breeds contempt. The RFL should issue a letter to all clubs telling them to instruct their playing staff that not under any circumstances should physical contact be made with the referee not even a friendly arm around the shoulder. Don't want the game going the same way as soccer where very little respect is shown to the referee and other officials.

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At Sunday's semi between Hull and Wakefield refree Silverwood was surrounded by Hull players imploring him to disallow a Wakefield try. He would have been quite justified in yellow carding 2 or 3 of the Hull players. It's something which must be nipped in the bud starting with the disciplinary meeting tonight. Referees have to be respected,without them the game would be impossible to play. I don't believe for one moment the tired cliche that respect has to be earned. The players have to do as they are told or leave the game, for good if necessary.

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Hock did indeed get off lightly when compared to the Amateur game. Another mild penalty given out by the blazers who seldom realise the ridicule each pathetic decision brings.


Whilst not wanting to go back to the ministrations of the pompous fool Clay ,an unfit man who used to stand in the middle and guess, the referees have got to become less chummy.

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