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Amnesty brings memories of Tiananmen Square to Warrington


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At their monthly meeting in Stockton Heath on Thursday 19th June Warrington Amnesty group members are marking the anniversary of China?s violent crackdown in 1989 on pro-democracy protestors in Tiananmen Square by sending messages to the Chinese ambassador in London to remind him that in China the Tiananmen Square mothers are not allowed to lay roses in the Square.


With only a few weeks to go before the Beijing Olympics AI is keen to remind people there is a side of modern China that the Chinese Authorities do not want people to see. Across the UK Amnesty members have been showing their solidarity with the bereaved mothers who are stopped from commemorating the death of their loved ones


People in China cannot speak out about human rights abuses there without fear of reprisals, but we can and must. China executes something in the region of 22 people each day for a wide range of offences, most of which are non-violent.


Speaking out about human rights is not intended to diminish the pride the Chinese people have for hosting the games but it would be offensive to the victims if we are not prepared to speak out on their behalf.


If you would like to be involved please Tel: 01925 268871 or email benkin64@talktalk.net

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. China executes something in the region of 22 people each day for a wide range of offences, most of which are non-violent.


If you would like to be involved please Tel: 01925 268871 or email benkin64@talktalk.net


I agree that China does have the death sentence and that it can and is abused by them but then again i wonder how many crimes are not committed because of it? a lot of us have called for the death sentence here in the UK but only for certain Crimes, The Chinese have decided what Crimes they are going to give the death for good or bad?


I would also give the death sentence to Drug smugglers or to thse who sell drugs to school kids other people will problerly say thats far too hard but i dont think so, we are far too soft as it is and look at the way GB is and the way its going!! Freedom is good but laws are laws and should be enforced, remember "you pay your money and take your chance if caught then you pay the price"...



This does not mean that i agree with the way the Chinese treat those who want democracy but we all know its a long and slow road to it..



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Well you don't see gangs of wild uncontrolled and feral youths causing lumber on their streets do you?


Steve is right, it is about time we too had some form of "absolute" justice to rid our society of the scum which currently is causing such concern.


As for China, do you really think that a bunch of middle class Western capitalists will make even the slightest difference? China is the biggest superpower in the world when it comes to size of armies etc. The generals and people at the top do not want to give the public any form of democracy and so it will not happen.


The West may do a bit of chest thumping and shouting but the Chinese authorities will not listen and that is the end of it. Can you imagine Brown and Bush sending in a few thousand troops to take on a couple of billion Chinese soldiers!!??

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  • 2 weeks later...

In Los Angeles the Chinese consulate is in the middle of our Koreatown. Each anniversary of the Massacre we have citizens holding candles outside of that consulate with signs calling for memory of that event.


I was a rabid right winger in my youth and became bent to leftist politics when I joined a group of death penalty abolitionists. From there on, I became an anti-authoritarian and pro-sympathizer with social justice concerns. When China announced the death penalty for parents who violated the one child rule, I truly wept copious salty tears. The world had come to such a state it was a serious crime to have a baby!!!


But that was decades ago. I long ago ran out of tears. I've witnessed so many travesties of justice, so many massacres, seen so many anti-abortion visuals, so many statistics on genocide in so many areas, and so many strains caused by overpopulation, that I've surrendered my outrage franchise. Let nature take its course. Nobody is going to miss my finger when I pull it out of the dike. I wish you all well.

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So those of you who support the death penalty - you would accept it if it was your son, daughter, partner, dad, who was wrongly accused and electrocuted? Or if it was your son or daughter who was hanged after s/he was offered one tab in a club and ended up hooked and dealing?

Or if it was you who was so seriously abused in childhood that you valued neither yourself nor anyone else and turned to crime? Or you were subjected to domestic violence for years and finally snapped?

Laws and values are located in time and culture - hence they are subject to change, but you can't bring someone back to life.

The death penalty, apart from having no place in a civilised society, would be no deterrent in any of those situations.

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Find it strange that we engage in futile criticism of a lack of human rights in China, while our own Government is increasing imprisonment without charge from 28days to 42days; and the pathetic sweeteners they're giving out to get unprincipled MPs on side, like a ?3,000 per day pay out, for wrongfull imprisonment after 28days - bit late if you've lost your job, family and reputation. :roll::wink:

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