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Above the Law ?

Observer II

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The saga of Novax Djokovic,  Prince Andrew and the PM;  seems to display an arrogance and sense of entitlement by the rich and powerful, that "rules" simply  don't apply to them.  In the last two years, while most grumpies have cowered in their homes, we've seen politicians and celebs being photographed jetting to exotic places and ignoring so-called rules.  But I'll wager, that this ignore-demic probably applies to most people under 40, who believed they were immune to the inconvenience of a virus.  On the political front, we're now leaning that the ignorance was across the political spectrum, with Starmer sharing a drinks Party and a Labour MP, being wheeled from a plane in Gibraltar because she was too drunk to stand up.  Although the film "Don't look up" may be a parody on climate change denial; it could equally be applied to pandemic denial imo.  Simply put, they've all been "at it" imo  and all need to be held to account.    😷   😠

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That’s 100% correct Obs but I look on it this way. There’s always going to be a certain number of people who see things differently, that’s just how life works. Unsurprisingly, the media focus on the famous and privileged but in reality, they’re not that much different than the millions of others that didn’t exactly follow the rules.


Bill :)

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The annoying aspect to this, to me; is that BoJo's notorious cavalier attitude to "rules" , has made him an easy target for those wishing to bring him down, by simply playing the man instead of the ball.  In bringing him down, they've brought his Party down and with it all the hopes of their "Leaver" supporters to finally "get Brexit done", leave the ECHR, abandon the N/I protocol,  secure our borders and deport all illegal immigrants,  row back on woke culture and mickey mouse University degrees etc etc.   The irony of course, is that, if we're daft enough, support will switch to the liberal lefty opposition who ignored the peasants prior to 2019.   😠

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I think Boris’s only hope of surviving this would be for him to act against all those who knowing broke the rules and agree to step aside if the enquiry finds him grossly negligent. It’d be a shame if he was forced to step down because while I haven’t agreed with all his decisions, he did bring a huge amount of positivity and can do at a time when the country needed it.

Bill 😊

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Well the understandable emotional response to partygate has degenerated into a petty diversion from more serious issues;  the Gov rightly imo are trying to recoup support from the 17.5 million, with "operation redmeat".   But we're bound to ask whether the meat will be red enough.  EG: After years of tolerating illegal immigration across the Channel, with a UKBF that has proved politically unreliable and has served only to facilitate successive crossings; the Gov intend to involve the Royal Navy, who presumably won't have the woke sensibilties of the UKBF.   But will the Gov take the necessary action to ensure success ?   1) ensure that all small craft carrying migrants are forced back and returned to French ports or beaches, with no false concerns about possible drownings. 2) given the failure of the UKBF, to scrap it and replace it with a military style Coast Guard like the USA, where Unions won't confound their task.  3) Systematically return (deport) ALL illegal migrants now living in £120 per night hotels in the UK, to France or their Countries of origin.  4) Remove any legal impediments to these actions by withdrawing from the ECHR and modifying domestic law to faciltate such action.  If they want to offer red meat, make sure there's some blood in it.    😠

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Whilst Bliar may be worthy of our derision, he's got one thing right about this Gov, it's without a "plan", or as I've said Boris is devoid of any conviction; it's a ship that knows not to which port to sail, thus no wind can be favourable.   Whilst serious in principle, party gate is an emotional distraction from the real policy issues that we face; which are mainly the completion of Brexit.  Unfortunately, while Boris has had no real will to see it through, neither have most of the budding contenders for his Office;  and the pathetic red wall intake are solely focussed on maintaining a career in Parliament, rather than delivering for those who lent them their vote.   😠

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