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Khan Khan't -

Observer II

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Seems the Mayor of London has jumped on the latest hysterics bandwagon by claiming that London's Streets are unsafe for women.  Well, hang on a minute; isn't public safety in London the responsibility of the Mayor, so in effect, he's criticising himself.   Such is the state of devolved Government in the UK that the contenders for office are so poor.      :rolleyes:

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Well, we certainly live in crazy times, where rational ideas are in short supply.    In the midst of a life threatening pandemic, where social distancing is paramount, we've now got tightly packed crowds of women protesting about the Police carrying out their duties of dispersing such crowds.   😠   😷

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The idea of any kind of common good is sadly missing these days, replaced more often by group thinking which, helped by the internet, focuses attention so much that the needs of others is completely ignored.  The sense of belonging to a community has been well and truly pushed into the gutter and replaced with a self-centred attitude of “nobody’s going to tell me what I can and can’t do.”

The most recent events with the vigil demonstrate this perfectly and it also shows how easy seemingly innocent groups can be infiltrated by others with more extreme views that ends up turning things nasty. I'm sure the act of cancelling the event attracted those with an axe to grind against society.


Bill :)

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It’s just what I was on about, they also believed that rules didn’t apply to them and lost a lot of money and credibility trying to argue about it.

Their idea was basically sound and it may have been successful if they worked with the trade rather than trying to circumvent the rules.


Bill 😊

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I wonder what those women moronically chanting "all cops are barstewards" last night will do when they find themselves in urgent need of one of those "barstewards"? Complain how long it took for them to turn up I should imagine. A lot of this has been imported from across the pond where it's taught in high school and university instead of real subjects.

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We should send them for a weeks holiday in Myanmar to let them see what real bastards are like.

Our lot are like a bunch of cuddly teddy bears in comparison.

Just reading a bit on www news about the guy who sprayed bright yellow graffiti all over the conservative office the other day. Again clearly a selfish act with no thought for how offensive if looks but look online and 50% seem to agree with what he’s done. Irrespective of political allegiances, everyone has an inherent knowledge of right and wrong but sadly, people today see internet likes as more important. So do the police risk even more division of opinion by prosecuting him? The whole system is in a right mess where the police can’t do right for doing wrong.

Banksy needn't have any worries though. :)


Bill 😊

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16 hours ago, Observer II said:

wasn't there a scheme called "pink taxis" (?), what happened with that one ?  

Was deemed as sexist by the high court because it discriminated against men. (also a scam to dodge paying taxes according to some)

16 hours ago, Bill said:

Just reading a bit on www news about the guy who sprayed bright yellow graffiti all over the conservative office the other day. Again clearly a selfish act with no thought for how offensive if looks but look online and 50% seem to agree with what he’s done

So if i went and sprayed painted their garage doors and houses they would not be annoyed or upset as they seem to say it ok to do that. Yeah right, they would be on the phone to the police before the paint had time to dry.

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3 hours ago, Evil Sid said:

Was deemed as sexist by the high court because it discriminated against men. (also a scam to dodge paying taxes according to some)

So if i went and sprayed painted their garage doors and houses they would not be annoyed or upset as they seem to say it ok to do that. Yeah right, they would be on the phone to the police before the paint had time to dry.

Dead right Sid. However the SJW brigade would probably claim on social media that they would support it happening  to them because they are hypocrites.

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Well were now going through many previous suggestions like better street lighting, more CCTV,  even to banning men from streets after 6pm, all in the name of one gender protection; when the fact is, that it can be unsafe for any single individual to walk City streets at night, or even in daytime for that matter.   Last time we had the issue of knife attacks on young black men, until they discovered that the majority of perpetrators were also young black men. The fact is, to venture out alone at night is an unsafe thing to do, for anyone, regardless of gender or race.   :rolleyes:

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