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£10k for millenials ?


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A "think tank", situated in an Ivory Tower somewhere, has come up with redressing the wealth balance between the generations by giving £10k in cash to all 25 year olds.  What happens when the majority have blown it and return to square one ?   Much better imo to provide "in kind", with more and cheaper (subsidised) housing and a living wage for all jobs.   :ph34r:

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Wouldn't that be better achieved by scrapping tuition fees? That would also encourage more people back into further education & improve their career prospects. The powers that be are suggesting it could be paid for by NI contributions being paid by working pensioners. No doubt, in time, that will also stretch to recipients of company or private pensions to finance the windfall.

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funny i never had a career was too busy with a job to have a career.

I know it may sound a bit controversial but maybe if we made it compulsory to retire at say sixty five for everyone that might free up some jobs that are currently being taken up by people who have now to work until they are getting on for seventy before they can retire with a state pittance pension.

At twenty five if somebody had offered me ten grand the only question i would have asked was "where do want the body burying". The money would have been put in the bank and gone to pay off the mortgage.

I have a niece who was given that amount when a relative passed away and managed to spend the lot in less than a month and had nothing to show for it, not even a new car.

See it, want it, get a loan, buy it, seems to be the order of the day these days. with me it was see it, need it, save like mad until i could afford it then buy it.

a job was to put food on the table and pay bills and not just something to pass the time until the next holiday.

"ahh the youth of the today". the eternal cry of anybody older than forty since time began.:lol::lol:

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3 of our five kids are more than happy to live off benefits,have done for years & are now entering middle age  & i can't see them ever working, they are just not interested unless the benefit stops for some reason.

On the other hand ,the grand kids are all card carrying members of society & in full time jobs.

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On 09/05/2018 at 9:03 AM, Davy51 said:

3 of our five kids are more than happy to live off benefits,have done for years & are now entering middle age  & i can't see them ever working, they are just not interested unless the benefit stops for some reason.


I blame the parents :wink:


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