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On 12/01/2018 at 8:12 AM, asperity said:

If the NHS is such a wonderful organisation, why is it permanantly in crisis? More and more money is thrown at it, but it's never enough seemingly.

Someone gave me a downvote for saying the obvious. There's some strange people around!

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  • So someone has given me a downvote for commenting on being given a downvote.
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I wasn't going to mention it 'live' on here but I have been keeping tabs on the downvotes for quite a few weeks now after a couple of members were constantly being targeted maliciously.  Nasty that eh and there is no need for it on the forum.  Invision Support all the way over in America  have also been involved and most helpful as it's classed as a form of cyber bullying 

So here goes...I might as well blow our undercover investigations....the person(s) who was targeting specific members for no reason at all other than to lower their reputation count and cause upset and unrest has probably realised we are on to them and know who they are as they haven't done it as much over the past few weeks BUT I/we are still monitoring the situation.  

Asp I can confirm to you the person who downvoted your NHS comment is NOT the same person(s) and in your instance I suspect it might just be down to the different person being a supporter of the NHS and perhaps just not agreeing with you. 

I have been asked by a few members of late to simply remove the downvote facility all together but personally I don't want to have to do as whats the point of having an upvote but not a downvote...after all most social media platforms have both and it's a way people showing appreciation and support of another persons comments (upvote) and also a way of showing  
disagreement  (downvote).

What the downvote facility ISN'T there for is for just clicking on because you are simply being a bit of a  ploker and don't like someone and want to upset them or cause mischief on here.

Part of me thinks that the person who was doing it wants the forum to fail and that if by targeting member who frequently post they would stop posting too...after all no posters = a dead and defunct forum.   Beats me why anyone would want to do that as there have been some great discussions on here over the years but hey ho some people are like that.

Despite my reluctance to let them win and for us to retain the downvoting facility on here as most people do use it sensibly maybe if it's annoying so many of you the downvote should be removed after all leaving just the upvote and the laugh.  

What do you all think :( 

Gary will have the final say though as it is his forum after all and he kindly pays the charge for it's existence, hosting and support keeping it alive out of his pocket every month so that we can all come on here and whinge ha ha :wink:

Over and out...my chicken is now cooked and I'm very hungry...yes I know it's 10.20pm...bit late eating tonight:D

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Very disappointed to say the least - especially knowing  what I know! :( - It costs circa £50 a month to keep this facility going - and you guys have been mainly positive supporters of WWW for many years - so it will keep going for as long as I think there is enough interest to warrant it. But we can easily block those who over step the mark.

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On ‎21‎/‎01‎/‎2018 at 10:23 PM, Dizzy said:

I wasn't going to mention it 'live' on here but I have been keeping tabs on the downvotes for quite a few weeks now after a couple of members were constantly being targeted maliciously.  Nasty that eh and there is no need for it on the forum.  Invision Support all the way over in America  have also been involved and most helpful as it's classed as a form of cyber bullying 

So here goes...I might as well blow our undercover investigations....the person(s) who was targeting specific members for no reason at all other than to lower their reputation count and cause upset and unrest has probably realised we are on to them and know who they are as they haven't done it as much over the past few weeks BUT I/we are still monitoring the situation.  

Asp I can confirm to you the person who downvoted your NHS comment is NOT the same person(s) and in your instance I suspect it might just be down to the different person being a supporter of the NHS and perhaps just not agreeing with you. 

I have been asked by a few members of late to simply remove the downvote facility all together but personally I don't want to have to do as whats the point of having an upvote but not a downvote...after all most social media platforms have both and it's a way people showing appreciation and support of another persons comments (upvote) and also a way of showing  
disagreement  (downvote).

What the downvote facility ISN'T there for is for just clicking on because you are simply being a bit of a  ploker and don't like someone and want to upset them or cause mischief on here.

Part of me thinks that the person who was doing it wants the forum to fail and that if by targeting member who frequently post they would stop posting too...after all no posters = a dead and defunct forum.   Beats me why anyone would want to do that as there have been some great discussions on here over the years but hey ho some people are like that.

Despite my reluctance to let them win and for us to retain the downvoting facility on here as most people do use it sensibly maybe if it's annoying so many of you the downvote should be removed after all leaving just the upvote and the laugh.  

What do you all think :( 

Gary will have the final say though as it is his forum after all and he kindly pays the charge for it's existence, hosting and support keeping it alive out of his pocket every month so that we can all come on here and whinge ha ha :wink:

Over and out...my chicken is now cooked and I'm very hungry...yes I know it's 10.20pm...bit late eating tonight:D

So you can see who's been dishing out the ups and downs. That's interesting, I always wondered if you could. So there's someone out there that knows that someone else knows they've got a bit of a nasty streak.

Top sleuthing there, Diz.

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11 hours ago, fugtifino said:

So you can see who's been dishing out the ups and downs. That's interesting, I always wondered if you could. So there's someone out there that knows that someone else knows they've got a bit of a nasty streak.

Top sleuthing there, Diz.

Fugs...we never used to be able to see who voted which way as that would be an infringement on all our privacy but Invision Support picked up on it too so have given us (Admins) the facility to actually see at the moment as certain posters were being targeted all the time and Invision take these things seriously as it's classed as a form of 'cyber bullying' so it gets monitored.

Once it's apparent that the issue has stopped and there was no real malice intended  then the forum will be set back to normal so that us Admins wont be able to see all your vote responses again :wink: 

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22 hours ago, fugtifino said:

Hmm, so is there something like a CODE RED level when Invision Support picks up on it automatically?

Or, do you request they investigate?

No need to answer really, just being unnecessarily nosey.

Ha ha no we don't have a 'code red'  button but yes I guess you could class it as both really ie sometimes us noticing things or sometimes them.  I don't really know how they do what they do but because Gary pays for the forum and their support services they are on hand to help if we ever needed them to.
A lot of their stuff is done behind the scenes automatically by their system though.  This includes monitoring but also, for example, when spammers or people who are on some database somewhere in the galaxy as being 'suspect' try to join the forum their system automatically checks and blocks them at source and flags them in our Admin Control Panel as then being 'blocked' .
  We can also mark people as 'spammers' and then I guess those people would go on the 'somewhere in the galaxy' database for cross matching and further investigation.
It's quite a clever system really.....  I guess that's why they charge for it kerching :lol:   

I'd best not say anymore in case they put me on the naughty list and maybe they will also put you on it for asking too many questions :lol:  

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On 2/5/2018 at 10:32 AM, Davy51 said:

Dizzy, for such statements & for all other matters we should be able to upvote you & Gary but their is no facility for that on my screen..

Ooh good point Davy although in my case I'd have probably been downvoted to 0 by now :lol: It wouldn't have bothered me though :D

I had noticed that the voting options had gone next to mine and Gary's names since the temp changes for monitoring purposes but I just presumed that me and Gary both being Admins couldn't see each others for now and/or vote against each others because of that change.  I didn't realise that everyone else couldn't see ours or vote for/against us either though.    How very odd and I will look into it when I have a bit of time.  Thanks :D


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14 hours ago, Togger1 said:

I think there must be a daily limit to the lovely little red gifts as my benefactor gives them to me in batches of 5 .  Thank you :D

Aww were you hoping for more downvotes to yours each day Togger1 as you mentioned ages ago that you like getting them.  Weird that but each to their own I suppose :blink:

There is no limit...you also need to realise that where you or another person down votes or upvotes the same comment they cancel each other out score wise.   1 downvote + 1 upvote = 0 and so on.  

 Surely people have better things to do than go round targetting specific posters  though...pretty sad that....and they must be very bored people !!

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Just now, Gary said:

Would appear I can like posts but not vote on them - seems weird as I pay for it so I should be able to do what I like when I like to who I like! :rolleyes:

ha ha...I'll try and change it later so you can vote Gary.  It will be after 11.30pm though

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16 hours ago, Togger1 said:

and I can't believe anyone is so sensitive that they start whinging and moaning because they received one downvote.  Perhaps the thought that someone disagrees with their views is unthinkable for one so precious.  Grow some and crack on.



...but nobody has whinged and moaned because they received one downvote Togger.  Why would you think they had ?

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8 hours ago, Togger1 said:

So what is the thread about?  At least if no one has whined then nobody will be offended by my mockery 😆

Ahh but there's more to this thread than is obvious to most readers Togger1...but feel free to continue to mock if that's what rocks your boat :rolleyes:

Also like I said way back certain posters were being targeted across the board just for the sake of it (seemingly).

It was very interesting looking into the finer details of the votes, person(s?) doing it and their access methods and usage etc though once Invision got involved and I must admit I was quite shocked by the findings. 

Shall I say more or would that be wrong of me too ?

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