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Tories out to wreck NHS ?


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Just because I have no illusions about the gravity and the forces at play in this referendum, doesn't mean I won't be exercising my democratic right (what's left of it), to vote. Given the EU response to the Dutch referendum and the Irish one before that, if we do give the EU the wrong answer, they may make us do it all again !

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Just because I have no illusions about the gravity and the forces at play in this referendum, doesn't mean I won't be exercising my democratic right (what's left of it), to vote. Given the EU response to the Dutch referendum and the Irish one before that, if we do give the EU the wrong answer, they may make us do it all again !


So you say the vote is rigged against your side, that Labour are already filling sacks of ethnic postal votes against your side, the Government are rigging the referendum yet you will be voting?  Thats because you are just making up all the vote rigging nonsense aren't you?  You are using your own little version of Project Lies aren't you?

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The facts speak for themselves when it comes to past referendums on EU membership, treaty change and in the case of the latest on in Holland, on procurring closer ties with Ukraine... the EU doesn't like to be voted against and if it is, it does all it can to change the outcomes

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It's actually difficult to prove, and it's more vote farming than rigging.  In some ethnic groups the view of the head male translates into a response from the rest of the family, so PV is ideal, for the top man to fill in, and for the underlings to sign. Basically patronage all the way up, to the LA; who provide the community development incentives.  :wink:

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Depends on how they're told to vote.  It's happened, and Farage was on the receiving end; I'm only surprised that he was surprised ! 


More unfounded bunkem.  Farage had no evidence of foul play, just his bigoted  accusations, same as you really.

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you claimed that the referendum was going to be fixed , that is illegal ergo...........  you were either making it up or lying or you actually believe this to be the case.  Have you contacted the police about this?  

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