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Walton Warbler's


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What on earth possesses people to sit in their gardens in the dark at 11.30pm on a Saturday night  and to then start singing on a Karaoke (spelling) which is seemingly attached to one pretty poweful PA system.   One too many maybe ?

Surely they don't really want people streets away to be able to hear them too and their converstaion about which one next and 'did that sound good' though ... or do they :unsure:

I wish I could record it so you could all hear :lol:

Same last week too although they did start earlier then and had finished by midnight but they did get better as the night progressed.

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We live in an age where folk seem to want to share their noise, be it fireworks, or the thump thump of their car radio.  Seems we can't rely on the Enviromental Dept either;  a woman complained to them about a cockrell crowing next door (in a residential area); they said they couldn't take any action. So what's the difference between a dog barking and any other animal creating a noise?

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No idea really but maybe the difference is because cockrell's live outside and it's what they do Obs.

You probably wont believe this if I tell you expecially if you are looking out of your window and seeing the lovely clear blue evening sky and sunshine but....

Two fireworks have just been set off
(8pm) and seemed to come from the same direction as the Walton Warlbers abode.  My (non barking) dog is NOT happy !!

Weird that though and I wonder if they really are reading this as you mentioned fireworks..... if I'm woken in the early hours by a cockrell tomorrow then there is no dount about it :lol:

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Ah so that would explain the police helicopter, did wonder. Will look forward to the footage on you tube or crime watch as is it now being called. :mrgreen:


As for the karaoke kids there is nothing like a bit revenge if they get too noisy. especially the morning after the night before. Just to be in keeping with my name only once had a complaint about noise an dthat was in revenge for being kept up until three in the morning by a noist party down the street. my method of revenge. Getting the bike warmed up at eight the next morning. nothing like the thump of a harley engine with drainpipes for exhausts to give you that early morning wake up, expecially with a hold over. (liike a hangover but before the pain really starts to kick in) :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

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