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Spare a few coppers?

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Seems Police budgets are being cut by the Home Office (in the name of austerity!); so it's either cuts in police numbers or ask local rate payers to cough up a few bob for a higher police precept.  News interviews with PCCs, have suggested that personel will have to be taken off "community policing" duties, but don't we now have community wardens that are cheaper? Is it time to rethink policing and look for a multi-tier solution; with lower paid local community force for beat work and the higher paid and trained officers, in a response role?

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The Police service is fast becoming a 999 service only, except if you phone the Fire brigade there is still a chance they can put out the fire, and if you call an ambulance there is still a chance they can save a life. Call the Police to report a crime and the criminal has long gone. Reducing Police numbers is a reaction to falling crime figures, but the idea that crime is falling is a joke. 

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The reason crime figures are dropping is because most people can't be arsed to report crime anymore because they know that the plod aren't bothered unless it is someone shouting nasty things in a train station about some minority or other....

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I can't see as it's fair to send PCSOs with their limited capabilities out onto the streets anyway . Street crime is still a major problem & basically all the PCSOs can do is observe & the villains know it. No matter what the cost we should have a proper police force with all its old powers & capabilities.

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Not going to happen Davy. I know of one locality not far from here where the total workforce is made up of 2 Police officers and 10 PCSO's. Even if the Police are lucky enough to catch a criminal, the majority are let off with a warning because there is nowhere to put them. Most of the public are not even aware that every day they are mixing with people who should be in jail.

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We used to have "community policing" in the "good old days"; where a local bobby would live in a police house in a local area. Local folk would even go round to their house, and request arbitration on a neighbour dispute, with many disputes being resolved by a quiet word. Alas that's all gone and arguably so have cohesive communities; so we left with fire brigade policing and less money to do it. However, PCSOs can provide the eyes and ears of policing on the streets, and provide an affordable presence. IF the Gov are still bent on extending police service time, PCSO work would provide an ideal pre-retirement slot.

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Sporting events tend to be made up of local police, visiting police, British rail police and specials. However, when they are at a sporting event there are even less on the streets. Why so many at Warrington, I thought rugby didn't have any trouble? 

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