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EU's having a laugh -


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Seems according to the EU, that the UK economy is doing well; even though most of us may not be feeling it. But their reward for this improvement, born out of austerity; is to increase our membership fee by £1.7billion. Meanwhile, slackers like France will be receiving a rebate of £850million. 

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I imagine it's the eurocrats way of goading us into humilation or just leaving the e.u.

It beggars belief that France and Germany are to recieve rebates !(you really could not make it up)

If Cameron stands up and says no way ever and like it or lump it ,he will walk the general election; as the nation will back him 100%.

And he will join Churchill & Thatcher as someone who at last stood up for our nation and would not budge.

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Apparently the EU jokers are trying to claw back money from as far back as 1995 and have included black market "earnings" into their calculations..... drugs and prostitution to you and me!!


Some EU official tried to justify it as being similar to income tax; the more you earn, the more you pay.... except they have included Italy and Greece into the 9 countries who are supposed to pay more! Italy & Greece, those bastions of economic superiority!


Since when has the EU had the right to treat itself as some form of tax collector?..... I can't wait to see how Kije justifies this one :)


Seems that Jean Monnets dream has been found out at last!



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Perhaps it IS the Eurocrats way of goading the UK into leaving the European Union and thus ridding themselves of the American (via British) influence on Europe.

Perhaps in the long run the UK's exit will be better for us and the rest of the world in halting the Yank's bid for world power.  Europe allied with Russia rather than against it could make the Yanks think twice before invading and imposing their will on other countries.


This request for money coupled with the refusal of the EU to consider the UK's request to limit immigration will no doubt make leaving the EU popular with UK voters, (maybe something the EU is counting on).

Taking into account the UK public's political apathy and their willingness to absorb the propaganda fed to them via the daily rags, exit from the EU will be welcomed without any consideration of anything other than the superficial.


As none of the EU countries have shown anything other than alarm at the increasing numbers of non European immigrants and the recent refusal to limit immigration was specifically concerning movement of European nationals within the union I suspect that once the UK has been dispensed off the real problem immigration will be dealt with.


Dave and cronies have long wanted exit from the EU whose regulation has somewhat curtailed their personal wealth accumulation. Once free of the EU workers rights regulations they can sell their work-force off to the lowest bidders of their proposed Asian investors.

Thatcherism returning?  the increase in the countries economy yet the lack of any felt benefit to the general public shows quite clearly that Thatcherism has never in fact ever left - and under any of the present political parties never will.

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I frankly don't believe a referendum will deliver an exit vote, and the polls appear to confirm that; we only have to look at the Scots Independence referendum to see how the political elite and corporate business interests will throw everything they can to scare the pants off the public.  Then you've got the track record of the EU on referenda, which are ignored and repeated until they get the result they want. We have a parliamentary system, if sufficient MPs vote to exit the EU, that'll do me. As for "goading" the UK, it certainly seems that way; but amazingly Italy and Greece are included in those who have to pay more; but what this system does, is provide a perverse incentive to run an inefficient economy; rewarding the slackers and punishing the thrifty. As for negotiating modifications to EU; it's a non-starter; as the majority of the 27 are net recipients of EU funds and will veto any threat to the status quo.

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I read an article a few weeks ago by a political journalist who maintained that  Britain's present level of involvement with the EU was always the intended goal & that our original admission to the Common Market as a trading partnership was nothing but a con to get the public to swallow the deal.

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or they might send in the bailiffs.


"excuse me sir we have a court order to sieze goods to the value of £1.7 billion does this country belong to you"

"who's name is on it. oh HIM. nah he moved out years ago squire didn't leave a forwarding address suggest you try spain where they usually go" :mrgreen:

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The EU really is the epitome of socialism gone mad....a great commercial bloc brought to it's knees by adherence to a single currency & the need to prop up the economies of countries that are only along for the ride & the free handouts, while at the same time creating a wealthy ,ever increasing political elite. The UK needs no part of it.

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The EU got the calculated earnings figures from OUR civil servants; so how did they calculate earnings in "the black economy"; visit every brothel and drug pusher in the UK?  Meanwhile, we're now being told, that Greece, who were put on economic life support by the EU; pays the highest state pensions relative to earnings; with the UK paying one of the lowest. The patients have well and truly taken over the asylum.  A yougov poll claims 60% support for the UK staying in the EU; which suggests yougov are making it up or 60% of respondants are just thick.

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