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Misleading headline


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Often wonder if the writers of these headlines actually read them through first.


one of the funniest was from a few weeks back "Crime boss takes to streets" at face value the headline to me read that a criminal top man was wandering the streets possibly on a recruiment drive. It was actually refferring to the new police commissioner doing a tour of warrington. But who knew from that headline.


If i remember corectly it was the flasher who had the binoculars. It then does make one wonder slightly if he was offering them so that the people he flashed could actually see what was on offer. :oops:  :oops:  :oops:  :lol:

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 It reminds me of the old joke.


 Old lady reports a man walking around naked in his garden next door, the police arrive and fail to spot the offender behind a large hedge. The lady tells them to go into her bedroom, put a chair on her bed and climb on to the chair.

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Nope wasn't me was on sankey valley walking the dog at the time and have plenty of witnesses to prove it. must have been some other flasher


er I mean person. I am not a flasher, except when taking pictures, er I mean of the local wildlife in the bushes. I means birds and the like. The um feathered variety. (any body got a ladder to help me out of this very deep hole)  :oops: :oops: :oops::mrgreen:

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