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Immigration Report

Lt Kije

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Quite a simple explanation Kije: these are immigrants that are being invited over here by companies who can't get qualified recruits from the British born  population - cos our education system isn't producing the skilled engineers we need. I have no problem with this, providing their stay is on a time limited visa. The blame for this rests with Governments who have dumbed down our education system, so that it is not developing the skills necessary to a future globally competitive economy. However, this is merely a tip of an iceberg; further down the immigrant food chain you'll find the majority at best will be taking menial jobs, that pay little or no tax, and still qualify for benefits and consumption of public services; and even further down you'll find benefit and health tourists from the EU (EG Roma) and so-called asylum seekers who are not allowed to work anyway. Nice try though !

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Public opinion that is based on bullshit and the lies you yourself peddle, that's why you keep up the momentum on immigration on here, people have to wade though your bullshit to get anywhere near the truth. What is public opinion Obs if that opinion they hold simply isn't true?. Does it make it right by wait of numbers, does truth count for nothing?

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Public opinion that is based on bullshit and the lies you yourself peddle, that's why you keep up the momentum on immigration on here, people have to wade though your bullshit to get anywhere near the truth. What is public opinion Obs if that opinion they hold simply isn't true?. Does it make it right by wait of numbers, does truth count for nothing?


come the glorious referendum!!!

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If you are talking about the EU Baz, nice to see the CBI, have come down on the side of common sense, you should read their report, it might enlighten you :wink:


I wouldn't have thought you would be on the side of those nasty company bosses who are only out to make a fast buck off the back of the working man and that move entire companies just to avoid corporation tax.........


Well the CBI are certainly worried.... on Sky news today delegates were saying that the public shouldn't be allowed a referendum.... shows their idea of democracy I guess


I also watched an interview with some woman from the CBI today... she was talking nonsense and using made up figures like all the pro-Europeans do.... apparently each person in the UK would be £3,500 worse off every year if we were to leave the EU


When asked how they arrived at the figures...... she replied "We got OUR economists to work it out using readily available data"....


Well using the readily available data; I'd say she was full of brown stuff..... I reckon we would be better off as a nation to the tune of nearly £50 billion a year just in what we don't pay in so each person would be better off by £833.333333333


Lies, damned lies, and statistics



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Because this report, is skewed to misrepresent the situation, no doubt in an attempt to sway public opinion. They are quoting the data of top earning skilled immigrants; not the majority - who will be low earners and unlikely to pay much tax, if any; whilst claiming benefits and increasing requirements on public services. At the bottom of this food chain, "illegals" who then claim asylum are a clear cost to the tax-payer as they are not allowed to work anyway, and are costing a bomb in legal aid, housing benefits etc. You really need to get out and about!

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And, right on cue: the ONS has published projected population growth for the UK over the next 25 years. They predict a growth of 10million - 60% of which they ascribe to immigration. This increase will require housing, seats in classrooms, room on the roads, will be entitled to various benefits, etc etc. So put that one in your pipe Kije, and smoke it !

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Kije.... on the front page of the main site today is a story about how the biggest fear for youngsters in the town is finding a job when they leave school..... what chance do they have when all of the "starter" jobs are taken by Eastern European economic migrants? The warehouse jobs, the shop jobs, the packing jobs; all the kind of jobs that me and you started off doing are now almost all taken by migrants.


The biggest problem is the labour agencies; they actively seek Eastern Europeans because of some misguided notion that our youngsters don't want to work. A view no doubt peddled by the pro-European brigade to justify the need for low-skilled migrants to come here.


One site I go to in Hull use a lot of agency staff and the site manager uses a few local agencies; all of which now almost exclusively provide European labour....


It's OK for me and you because we have jobs, but the kids are going to find it harder and harder to get on the jobs ladder...... or maybe they should move to Poland and work for 2 euros an hour?

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The biggest problem is the labour agencies; they actively seek Eastern Europeans because of some misguided notion that our youngsters don't want to work. A view no doubt peddled by the pro-European brigade to justify the need for low-skilled migrants to come here.


One site I go to in Hull use a lot of agency staff and the site manager uses a few local agencies; all of which now almost exclusively provide European labour....

Baz do you actually believe the crap you write, or was it short notice and you were stuck, Where did you get a view peddled by the pro european brigade from. I would love to see any proof you might have, personally I think that little ditty should be in the joke section.


The employers don't have to take them on, funny your not blaming them, ahhhhh wait a minute you are an employer, so that won't happen

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Baz do you actually believe the crap you write, or was it short notice and you were stuck, Where did you get a view peddled by the pro european brigade from. I would love to see any proof you might have, personally I think that little ditty should be in the joke section.


The employers don't have to take them on, funny your not blaming them, ahhhhh wait a minute you are an employer, so that won't happen



I use my eyes and ears Kije.... I have seen the houses with 10 and 20 Eastern Europeans living in them; sleeping in every available space, I know the landlords who rent houses to large numbers of Eastern Europeans and then have to move them when the council come checking the houses of multiple occupancy....


Yes, I am an employer but I personally wouldn't take a migrant over a UK born resident.... yes the employers are as much to blame as the EU. They are the ones that exploit the cheap labour from Eastern Europe....which funnily enough is probably why the CBI are so in favour of Europe. Unlike Me and the vast majority of the people who will eventually vote us out

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Here is just one comment from the BBC page; which sort of ties in with what I said about our young people worrying about getting jobs...


"As an employer, with an unskilled vacancy, who'd you employ. 16 year old school leaver or a 20 something EE? One would need supervision to help them adjust to the adult world of work, The other quite possibly well educated & already work savvy. Obvious, the Eastern European. Business don't want to train young people, they'd rather have an older experienced worker. Hence 1m unemployed young"

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Here's another comment Baz


I just wonder if most people know ANYTHING about immigrating to the UK. I'm an immigrant (from an English speaking country) and I can say that I didn't find ANY part of the process easy. It was a lot of paperwork, a whole lot of documentation proving that I could support myself without accessing public funds, and a boat load of money. I'm on my 3rd visa (in 3 years) which has cost about £3000


And another



This story only confirms what most of us lready knew. It's a shame that everything has to be measured in economic terms these days. Britain is blessed with a genuine multi-culturalism that makes us the richest nation on earth. But it's a richness that has nothing to do with money.

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Pap.  multi-culturalism is just a luvvie way of describing  a lack of integration, and merely encourages groups to live in separate social silos. Whilst new ingredients may enrich the stew, it's because they are mixed in with it, not eaten separately.  Presumably you were a "legal" immigrant, and correctly went through a proper visa process; "illegals" obviously don't and neither do EU citizens from E/Europe. And the latest is: a Commons Cttee has found that only 1  in every 50 immigrants, refused leave to stay, are actually deported - doubt they'll do anything about it though.

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Kije; It costs Australians, New Zealanders and Canadians to come over here just as it costs ou workers and visitors to go there. My wifes company sends UK workers to their Perth office to gain experience for a year and the form filling to get into Australia has increased because they are actively trying to discourage people from going there to work.... they have enough immigrants according to their government and they are now paying other countries to take illegals off their hands....


Our country has no idea. It is full of people like you who think the illegals deserve a chance and that immigration has no effect on the infrastructure in the areas they descend on.


Listening to Farage on Question Time last night and he recalled being on QT just before they opend the flood gates to Poland.... David Blunkett was on the same panel and he was trying to put Farage down and calling him a scaremonger because of his tales of how many Polish would come over.... Blunkett said there would only be about 13,000 Poles coming a year.... a total of over 800,000 have since arrived; and that is a conservative estimate.


God help us when Romania and Bulgaria can freely access us; because they will come... they live in massively poor countries and anything to them is better than that. Britain is the country paved in gold

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