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I was wondering if anyone else has seen an increase in spiders this year.


I use to find the occasional one around the house. This year for the last few weeks I seem to be dealing with a spider most days, usually they are quite large and depending on its location it either gets caught in a box, is then transport to the street and set free or killed using a kitchin towel and flushed away in the toilet.

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Probably due to the increase in flies from the maggots in the bins :roll:


Cannot say that I have noticed an increase but then again can't say that I have particularly looked for spiders. does not seem to be as many webs in my house as there used to be or around the yard either. Used to get some huge webs in the yard at one time, got some huge spiders in the house as well. They don't bother me and I don't bother them, never kill them and tend to just let them scuttle away into a dark corner.

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I always get spiders in the house at this time of year. Like Sid, I don't bother them and they don't bother me. They usually disappear back where they come from when they find there's not much food around. The only ones I have to deal with are the ones that get trapped in the bath and need a helping hand to escape.

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My other half said he's got rid of two large spiders in the past week but not seen any more and I've not seen any at all indoors.  Maybe (HOPEFULLY) the dog is intercepting them.
There's a small fat one living on the outside of my bedroom window but I don't mind the outside ones as they never try to come inside. Well ok so it can't as I have a screen up on the bedroom window to stop pollen, wasps ... and flies  :wink:.
Not seen any of the big fat brown outdoor ones making home on my Ivy yet either. I don't mind those too much as they stay put and I know where they are.
I really don't want to read anything else about horrid house spiders though so I will leave this topic PDQ.... smiley-scared004.gif  smiley-scared007.gif

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Ha ha that just reminded me of a couple of years ago when my elderly neighbour was on the front in fits of giggles watching me swinging a bamboo fighting stick as I came out of the house at night. 


One of those big fat outdoor spiders kept building a web right across our door and to the yucca tree in the front garden via the porch overhang.  You couldn't see it when it was dark so if you didn't have your wits about you it was there right in your face.  HORRID !!


We kept moving it and trashing it's web but within hours it had built it again, or one of it's pals had.


Hang on... I was going and didn't want to read any more :|


I wont sleep tonight now :cry:  :oops:  :lol:

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Always amazes me how flexible and durable a spiders web is. there is one from my car mirror to the car door that has survived three trips to town and a trip to leeds and is still intact. Not seen the spider that span? spun? it, at all.


It also amazes me how they can manage to spin a web across such "large" distances. Used to get one from the corner of the kitchen roof to the wall in the back a distance of about seven feet. have even seen one that had a few threads stretched between the roof of my kitchen and that of my neighbours and that is about fifteen feet.


So Love them or Hate them you will always be fascinated by them.

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Always amazes me how flexible and durable a spiders web is. there is one from my car mirror to the car door that has survived three trips to town and a trip to leeds and is still intact. Not seen the spider that span? spun? it, at all.


They are fascinating but creepy. The spider probably lives inside your mirror.


Seen what happens to the webs when you drug them? http://www.trinity.edu/jdunn/spiderdrugs.htm



Wonder what happens if you give them alcohol?

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I posted elsewhere (and some of the above reminds me) i was parked at the side of Fairhaven lake when two brown (money?) spiders were scuttling back and two across my wing mirror.  When i started the car they scuttled in the gap at the bottom of the mirror.


As time went on, for days they got braver and were at work when the car was moving.  Fascinating to watch them appear and vanish.


Not seem them since returning home.  Warrington air perhaps doesn't suit them.


Happy days

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Will you please stop talking about bloody spiders !! :|   :lol: 
So where have you been lately Sadako as I've not seen you on here for a while.  Been up to anything exciting ?
I hope you have as hopefully it might take this topic off on a complete tangent... please... I'm begging !!

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I have been very busy with work amongst other crazy things going on in the land of Sadako. I haven't had much time to post.


After I replied to this thread, I had the misfortune of being attacked by a spider. He came at me and was practically foaming at the mouth. I could see his fangs and he was about 10 inches long...well that's how I recall the event anyway. I really hate them. The strange thing is, is that I don't actually mind tarantulas and wouldn't mind one (I've actually come close to purchasing one) but I can't stand house spiders. I won't even get close to them.

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One reason that you may now be seeing more spiders about is that autumn is the time that they start their breeding cycle. The males are on the look out for a suitable mate and so are bolder than they would normally be. So when you next encounter that spider in the bath have a little pity as he may have been on his way to court a mate. If you are really interested you can get an app from the society of biology to let you take part in the great house spider survey.




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