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Foot Bridge Demolition


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I read a report that the council are to pull down a foot bridge crossing a busy road.


Should the council not be putting up more foot bridges not demolishing them? A four way footbridge over winwick rd near the collage would be a god idea in my view.



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Coffee.... pedestrians are like cyclists; you can spend millions putting in special lanes, special crossings and special bridges; but every one of them will not use it because it is easier to cross or to use the road.... I honestly don't know why our spineless councillors don't just say "Bugger the lot of you, we waste all this money and all for nothing so you can sod off and we are going to build better roads for the ones that actually pay the tax to use the facilities we provide"

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You would not go to many countries and just cross the road without using a crossing where one is  provided because you get fined, I got fined in Hungary several years ago (also got fined on the underground). I used to use the footbridge over winwick rd. Now i am thinking off it, is it still there, drive down that road several times a week and not noticed it recently.


Cyclists, they seem to be a problem everywhere, I guess it is harder to stop a cyclist

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Coffee, come here and you would cross the road without using a crossing. There are not many but there re some zebra crossings in the cities but you could stand at one all day long, the traffic is not going to stop for you. Some of the roads are 5, 6 and even 7 lanes wide (in one direction) and if anyone wants to cross the road they have to take their lives in their hands and dodge between the oncoming  traffic and even then the drivers are not going to slow down for you. Then when you hit the central reservation you have to do it all again.

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We have a pelican crossing near to us on lovely lane that is about twenty foot from the end of our street. There is a bus stop opposite our street on the hospital side, It is amazing to watch people try to cross the road there. At that point it is at its widest there being a lane for people to turn into the hospital and then the bus stop area itself. they will wander hesitantly out into the traffic,anxiously looking to see if there is a slight gap they can dash through. The time they spend crossing there is about the same as they would spend if they walked the twenty feet and used the pelican crossing which they can do in relative safety. One of these days I will spend a bit of time and see if i can count how many use the pelican crossing as opposed to the number who just cross at the "nearest" spot.



Cyclists, they seem to be a problem everywhere, I guess it is harder to stop a cyclist

I don't find stopping them hard at all. just wait your chance and open the car door as they try to scream past. generally stops them. Of course you then have a damaged car door and a possibly dead cyclist to worry about. ( a walking stick in the back spokes can be quite effective as well) B)

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How on earth does it cost £250 grand to make a bridge conform to the disability discrimination act????


for £250 grand you could employ someone full time for the next 25 years to stand there and hold a flag up when someone in a wheelchair wants to cross the road...... methinks a little bit of creative accounting to fit the need to demolish the bridge is a foot!

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How on earth does it cost £250 grand to make a bridge conform to the disability discrimination act????


for £250 grand you could employ someone full time for the next 25 years to stand there and hold a flag up when someone in a wheelchair wants to cross the road...... methinks a little bit of creative accounting to fit the need to demolish the bridge is a foot!

For £250,000 one would think you could get a brand new footbridge, after all they are just pieces of metal prefabricated in a factory and transported onto site and are errected in a evening or two. Pedestrian crossings are far more dangerous and disruptive to traffic.


How much does it cost to instal and maintain a set of pelican lights?



The footbridge is non-compliant with the Disability Discrimination Act, unsuitable for cyclists, wheel chairs users, push chairs or buggies".



Should cyclists be using foot bridges?

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