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Loss of a Stockton Heath green field


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Building on a green field in Stockton Heath


Warrington Borough Council (WBC) are about to propose a plan to build housing on a green field in Stockton Heath. The field, historically known as 'Cartwrights Field', is bounded by Chester Road, Brian Avenue, Ackers Road and Montclare Crescent. Access to the development will (we understand) be off Chester Road.


WBC listed this field in Dec 06 as 'Greenfield designated Open Space' in their Urban Space Review. In their HOU1 Housing Planning documentation they say "planning permission will not be granted for greenfield sites".

- Why would they go against their own rules?


Additionally WBC in the 'Open Space SPD Revised' list the area including the field as 52 out of 58 areas in Warrington for total green space - nearly bottom of the league.


- Why move the area further into deficit for total green space?


The field is used very regularly for dog walking, childrens' safe and creative play, bird watching and enjoyment of the general peace and calm.


- Why remove this?


So far there are 2 opportunities for us all to object:


1. The Parish Council Meeting at Sandy Lane, Stockton Heath on Tuesday 10th June, starting 7:30pm. This issue is an agenda item.


2. Public Information Open Day with WBC and Warrington Housing Association on Monday, 16th June at the Bethesda Chapel, Chester Road/Lumbrook Road junction from 3:00pm to 7:30pm. Why is it such short notice and residents still have not been informed officially.

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Haven't you been keeping up with the Government's new housing agenda and the changes that are being proposed to the Regional Spatial Strategy? It's the latest thing now to build on Greenfield sites because they are easier to bring forward in a hurry than nasty brownfield sites :!:

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One would hope so Shelley.


Maybe the land does have further uses, one of which could be as allotments. I spent an hour or so in Victoria Park on Friday looking at the allotments there and the great social benefits they bring as well as ensuring horticultural skills are passed through the generations. I was very impressed with what I saw, the people I met and the WBC Officer involved. Alas what I found sad was that considerable money has to be spent on security to stop a minority of morons wrecking things. Maybe they should be "guided" to use their energy towards digging the soil and growing food that they could eat.


On the subject of which Shelley, I know you are looking for campaigning type work, maybe allotments is somthing that you could get involved in

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One would hope so Shelley.


Maybe the land does have further uses, one of which could be as allotments. I spent an hour or so in Victoria Park on Friday looking at the allotments there and the great social benefits they bring as well as ensuring horticultural skills are passed through the generations. I was very impressed with what I saw, the people I met and the WBC Officer involved. Alas what I found sad was that considerable money has to be spent on security to stop a minority of morons wrecking things. Maybe they should be "guided" to use their energy towards digging the soil and growing food that they could eat.

On the subject of which Shelley, I know you are looking for campaigning type work, maybe allotments is somthing that you could get involved in


Paul you are without doubt my new favourite councillor :D:D:D

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There is a guideline for planning which states


"Planning Policy Guidance 17 (PPG17) sets out the policies needed to be taken into account by regional planning bodies in the preparation of Regional Planning Guidance (or any successor) and by local planning authorities in the preparation of development plans (or their successors); they may also be material to decisions on individual planning applications."


I do not know enough about planning law to be sure if this will be of any help but here is a link to the document. I am of course happy to help or be involved with any action which may stop the development of green field in this town. Good luck.



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You're very kind PJ, I said on the Forum sometime ago that I will try and help and I will in whatever way I can. I am hoping that I will be "allowed" to put a question on the subject at Full Council.


I have spent most of today at Walton Hall, in my capacity as the Councillor for H,S & W, as there were a number of events on, including the Farmers Market, a great success helped by the weather, Walton Lea project sold their produce, I think they could link up with our allotment associations here in the Borough and drive a joint project forward....although I guess I'll find that there are rules and regulations as to why that can't happen.

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Your efforts are of course most appreciated and I have every confidence in you achieving a successful result. As for rules why it can't happen tell them there is a law why it must happen. :D


Thanks for being true to your word and I feel a little guilty now for subjecting you to my occasional rants. :oops:



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Thanks for being true to your word and I feel a little guilty now for subjecting you to my occasional rants. :oops:




Rants are an entirely acceptable part of this Forum as they add passion to banter and debate, posters agree/disagree with each other on a regular basis ...and in my case I regularly disagree with myself :wink::D I happen to think what sets this Forum apart is that we still remain civilised with each other and long may that be the case.

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Is anyone going to the parish meeting?
I'm going. Any idea what the justification is, and what kind of housing they are talking about?

I'm not going as they get on my nerves. Waste of time if you ask me as Parish level has no clout anyway in matters like this even if they do decide to oppose the development :wink::lol:


From memory from a very recent Lib Dem flyer it is a small number of affordable family homes and has the full backing of the Stockton Heath Borough Councillor Sue Dodd.


The provision of affordable homes in Warrington is a high priority at present so this development could turn out to be a hard one to squash.


Crested Newts, bats, foxes and other wildlife are your best bet. A similar field very close to that one was saved a few years back thanks to it's wildlife and underground streams :D:wink:

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But why are Crested Newts, bats, foxes and other wildlife more important than human beings?


Just wondering.....

Cos they are cute and don't cause trouble or answer back :wink::P


Saying that it did take me two years to overcome my fear of the bats round here and I still close my windows at dusk just incase :shock: They are great to watch but I've not seen them so far this year which is strange :cry:

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From memory from a very recent Lib Dem flyer it is a small number of affordable family homes and has the full backing of the Stockton Heath Borough Councillor Sue Dodd.
Perhaps it would help if we came up with a better place for the housing.


Like where Shelly ? On someone elses doorstep perhaps? :roll:


Who is paying for the housing and if it's WBC themselves where has the money come from ?


Considering there are so many new developments approved and waiting to be built in the immediate area (with a % of each being 'affordable' housing) there is no need at all for and additional 15 or so more on cartwrights field at the expense of a open green space!


By the way WHAT IS classed as AFFORDABLE these days ? :shock:

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How many of those schemes that have the benefit of planning permission do you think will be built in the current economic climate? Most house builders are pulling down the shutters, particularly those that bought land when the market was hot and 100% mortgages were available. Now that is no longer the case, quite a few are having real trouble. In order to maintain their margins they dare not lower their prices, and because they won't lower their prices no-one can get a mortgage to afford their houses :!:


As for "affordable" - if you've read the Council's Strategic Housing Market Assessment (SHMA) (which I doubt since it costs ?50+VAT for a copy) you will know that the case is being made for 40% of all new housing granted to be "affordable". Wait and see...

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