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TRUMP elected 45th President of USA


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Think it's your imagination Dave, all I've heard from a line of so-called experts is gloom and doom. Economic doom, caused by protectionism of indigenous employment. Security doom, caused by the threat of actually talking, and possibly co-operating with the Russians and getting NATO members to start paying their share (2% GDP) of costs. Legal doom, with the appointment of conservative (normal) Supreme Court Judges, who are unlikely to countenance cross gender use of toilets etc. All the surreal expressions of liberal excess, are under threat, hence their stamping of feet and spitting out of dummies; and maybe, just maybe, the media will re-think what is actually the social norm and rein in their luvvie propaganda.

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The biggest difference is that over here, the squawking liberals at worse were stomping their feet and throwing their sandals at the wall whereas in America, the miffed toga wearers will be reaching for their assault rifles and popping out to shoot up the local shopping mall in protest

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The luvvie liberal media are still obsessing over Trump, trying to find some developing horror story.  As expected. Trump will, and has, toned down the election rhetoric and will now have to look at pragmatic ways to achieve his stated aims. EG: The immediate deportation of 11 million "illegals", may be impossible, certainly in one tranche, therefore he's stated that he'll start with an estimate 2-3 million convicted criminals; which is a start that I can't believe anyone can argue with. Seems the liberal Obama Administration has given him a hospital pass, by agreeing to take in the illegals that Australia has refused entry to !

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  • 2 months later...

According to the Washington Post, Trump has put an immediate freeze on the US governments hiring of any more employees to add to the bloated Federal bureaucracy that Obama created, it's also suggested that the host of fresh pen pushers which were hired recently to beat Trumps inauguration last Friday may be told not to turn up.

That sure looks like a good start to me. 

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Seems the twitterarty have gone into hyper-hysterics over Trump's "Muslim Ban"; with over a million signing an e-petition to ban him from visiting the UK (so just another 59 million signatures required!).  But if we can cut through the hysterics, we'll discover that this is a 90 day, temporary ban, is to allow time for a proper vetting process to be introduced. The 7 countries specified in the ban, were actually identified by the previous Obama regime, as terrorist risks areas. Like him or loath him, he's doing exactly what he said he would do, which must be a novel experience from a politician. Meanwhile, our UK borders are so secure, that they allow Yanks to fly in and fly tip their demented fathers onto our streets. Yer couldn't make it up.  :lol:

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Odd that neither Saudi, Lebanon, UAE or Egypt are on Trump's BAD MUSLIMS! list, seeing as those are the countries where the 9/11 terrorists came from.


Unlike this buffoon, Obama knew his way around the constitution, which is probably why he never did anything remotely like this.


Like him or loath him...


So, go on then, where are you on that question?

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Quite right about the so called "Muslim ban" Obs. It would help if people did their own research  (e.g. actually read President Trump's Executive Order) and made up their own minds instead of just parroting the rubbish churned out by the likes of the BBC and the newspapers.

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