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Still thinking all those who want to leave the EU are right wingers?


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That poster seems to be a poor reflection of how the west has dealt with the Syrian situation. If the people are genuine refugees ,why has the situation not been resolved in 5 years. If the people are economic migrants the best way of dealing with the problem is to improve the economies of their homelands.


Maybe an answer for the lack of action is that the flow of migrants provides cheap & convenient labour supply for EU countries.

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That poster seems to be a poor reflection of how the west has dealt with the Syrian situation. If the people are genuine refugees ,why has the situation not been resolved in 5 years. If the people are economic migrants the best way of dealing with the problem is to improve the economies of their homelands.


Maybe an answer for the lack of action is that the flow of migrants provides cheap & convenient labour supply for EU countries.


I wonder where Farage and his henchmen got their inspiration for the poster?  Could it be here?



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At least the picture on the right shows people carrying their belongings. Most of the people shown in the recent migrant pics are dressed in designer gear & all have mobile phones.


So  carrying belongings then,  as in a mobile phone.  Are you saying that they shouldn't be fleeing barrel bombs if they own a phone?  I would have been very surprised to see mobile phones in the right hand photo as it is of Jews in the 1930's used by the Nazi propaganda machine to stir up racial  hatred.  Eerily similar don't you think?  As for dressed in designer gear what a pathetic and desperate fabrication.  Do you know what designer gear is?  What have you been swallowing as you seem to be regurgitating the Britain First bible.

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Are there any barrel bombs falling outside the Syrian borders ? These people are marching through the green fields of Europe. 


so the instant they step one pace outside Syria they should stop and die of starvation or cold, get a grip man.

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Yet nothing whatsoever to do with the Referendum. Is Syria completely surrounded by safe havens then where refugees are treated with respect and dignity? Get real, human beings don't just up and leave everything they own and worked for on a whim.

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So, we've now moved from "starvation and cold" to "respect and dignity", not exactly a life threatening condition is it ? Human beings with access to the internet, mobile phones, TV's etc; know where "the better life" is, and head for it; and I don't blame them one bit for trying, I blame weak western Governments for allowing it to happen. According to the UN, we now have a record 65million migrants throughout the world, one in every 113 people on the planet; all moving without any order or preparation, or capacity to host. Now we know the bleeding hearts would have them all here if they had their way, but thankfully, common sense is still more common than luvvie sentiment.     8)

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It is interesting that the muslim brethren of the displaced people are not providing the safe haven that fits their requirements. The migrants' goal is obviously to head towards the benefit abundant west.


Saudi is home to a half a million Syrians, although Saudi Arabia do not refer to them as refugees, they take them in.

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So, we've now moved from "starvation and cold" to "respect and dignity", not exactly a life threatening condition is it ? Human beings with access to the internet, mobile phones, TV's etc; know where "the better life" is, and head for it; and I don't blame them one bit for trying, I blame weak western Governments for allowing it to happen. According to the UN, we now have a record 65million migrants throughout the world, one in every 113 people on the planet; all moving without any order or preparation, or capacity to host. Now we know the bleeding hearts would have them all here if they had their way, but thankfully, common sense is still more common than luvvie sentiment.     8)

I realise you haven't an ounce of humanity or compassion in your hollow chest.  There is no need for you to try so hard to prove it.  If you are fleeing war you are a refugee.  You don't stop being a refugee the moment you step a foot outside the country you are fleeing.  And again I have to tell you that Syrian refugees are nothing whatsoever to do with the UK referendum.  As much as you would like to scare folk into believing it.

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Errm, if the Syrian "refugees" are just part of the swarm of migrants hitting Europe; being invited in by Fuhrer Merkel and allowed in by EU members like Greece and Italy; I think it's reasonable to conclude that it's an EU issue and thus relevant to the referendum.  Refugees have camps in Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey; perhaps not funded as they should be, but never the less safe havens from the war - end of.   If you want to help them, start donating to Oxfam or something, and while your at it adopt a polar bear or a tiger.    8)

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and how many are allowed to come to the UK and will this change either way ?  We both know who the idiot is here Observer, its you and your lies and scare stories.  We control our borders, well the French help as we are in the EU.  The desperation on project hate and fear is palpable,  all you have is false assertions regarding immigration as every knowledgable person worth their salt has ridiculed a Brexit economic cock up.  Try the truth, sound less stupid, be less callous.

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So the ONS figure are wrong are they - third of a million last year (net).  The Greeks and Italians let the last load in, and they walked all the way into Germany, all 1.2million of them; and are still crossing into the UK in HGVs (there the ones we are not supposed to know about, and the Gov don't either !)  Will it change: if we leave the EU 50% of migration is automatically cut with the abandonment of free movement; the rest is for a Parliament with some rational sense and less irresponsible sentiment.     8)

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So why are the Remain crowd so intent on massive numbers of immigrants when they know it will directly affect the infrastructure & welfare state that cannot cope now ? The country can only carry so many on benefits, only so many houses can be built to accommodate a growing population . The clairvoyant Leavers can see the problems ahead & have the chance to rectify the problems with Britain's membership of the EU, but all the Remainers can do is shout "racist" & threaten the whole electorate with dire consequences.

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