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Emmigrant v Immigrant


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When does an emmigrant become an immigrant, is it the procedures/laws of the country they are leaving or the country they are entering that dictates the classification or is it merely when they cross a border, and when does a refugee become on immigrant?.

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a refugee is anybody seeking refuge. an immigrant is anybody who has emigrated from their country of origin to live life in a country of their choice, usually by legal means and abiding by the laws of their adopted country. a migrant is anybody who wanders around from place to place usually seeking short term casual work. (see peripatetic)


I would assume, rightly or wrongly, that a refugee becomes an immigrant when they have satisfied all the conditions l;aid out for them to achieve refugee status. once accepted as a refugee and allowed to legally settle in the country, then they would become an immigrant but probably still carrying the status of refugee. ( see total guesswork on my part)

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 ( see total guesswork on my part)


and on the part of the government when it comes to guessing how many illegals, legals, migrants and refugees we have over here.... seems the only thing they can be sure of is that 50% of all kids born in London are to mothers of foreign origins..... now that is worrying!

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Errm nope, think you'll find the Jewish influence has more to do with money and position than numbers; think the latest figure was around 2million "illegals" from Latin America in the US, with growing pressure from the Latino vote to have an amnesty. Eventually, the same thing will happen here, in fact the LibDums are already talking about it, along their usual lines of - got a problem: legalise it and you no longer have a problem in law!

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