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Breadline Britain.


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A Survey asks 1,500 people living in Britain today what they deem to be necessities for everyday life.

The survey finds that having a warm, damp free home and enough food to feed your family are basic necessities that almost everyone says no-one should go without and many now consider owning a computer with internet access and a mobile phone an essential part of modern life.

The complete list of items the population considers to be necessities for adults is:

  • Heating to keep home adequately warm
  • Damp-free home
  • Two meals a day
  • Visit friends or family in hospital or other institutions
  • Replace or repair broken electrical goods
  • Fresh fruit and vegetables every day
  • Washing machine at home
  • All recommended dental treatment
  • Celebrations on special occasions
  • Warm waterproof coat
  • Attend weddings, funerals and other such occasions
  • Telephone
  • Meat, fish or vegetarian equivalent every other day
  • Curtains or window blinds
  • Enough money to keep your home in a decent state of decoration
  • Household contents insurance
  • Hobby or leisure activity
  • Appropriate clothes for job interviews
  • Table and chairs at which the family can eat
  • Taking part in sport or exercise activities or classes
  • To be able to pay unexpected costs of £500
  • Two pairs of all weather shoes
  • Regular savings (of at least £20 per month) for rainy days
  • Television
  • Regular payments to an occupational or private pension

And the complete list of necessities for children is:

  • Warm winter coat
  • Fresh fruit or veg at least once a day
  • New properly fitting shoes
  • Three meals a day
  • Garden or outdoor space to play in safely
  • Books at home suitable for their ages
  • Child celebration or special occasions
  • Meat, fish or vegetarian equivalent at least once a day
  • Suitable place at home to study or do homework
  • Child hobby or leisure activity
  • Toddler group or nursery or play-group at least once a week for pre-school age children
  • Indoor games suitable for their age
  • Enough bedrooms for every child aged 10+ of a different sex to have their own room
  • Children's clubs or activities such as drama or football training
  • Computer and internet for homework
  • Some new, not second-hand clothes
  • Day trips with family once a month
  • Outdoor leisure equipment, such as roller skates, skateboard, football etc
  • At least 4 pairs of trousers, leggings, jeans or jogging bottoms
  • Going on a school trip at least once a term
  • Money to save
  • Pocket money
  • Holiday away from home at least 1 week per year
  • Construction toys (eg, lego, duplo etc)

Requirements have certainly changed since the 1940's and 50's.


No wonder the dregs of Europe want to come here!.

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Think so, obs, and on that basis, there's nothing much wrong with it, is there?


Gove has just been rumbled for basing education policy on “surveys” conducted by Premier Inn and some “Gold” type TV channel.


I know it isn't the convention around these parts, but it'd be nice to know who did the survey.

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tbh, I'd consider that list to be the basic requirements of a decent life. Imagine if you don't have the appropriate clothes to go to a job interview, what if you can't access the dental treatment you need, if you haven't got the bus fare to visit a family member in hospital, if you haven't got £500 to replace the boiler when it breaks - not having things on that list sounds pretty grim to me. 


The computer/internet thing, well yes, they are essential these days. Even my 6 year old has to do homework on a computer, if the kids don't have them at home they have to stay behind after school and use their computers. The Government are also pushing people into using online applications for everything now, most of their services are online, the new Universal Credit will only be applied for online. I volunteer at the CAB and we see large numbers of clients who we need to assist not because they're vulnerable or incapable but simply because they haven't got a computer at home. 

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Gove has just been rumbled for basing education policy on “surveys” conducted by Premier Inn and some “Gold” type TV channel.


To be fair he doesn't totally rely on such surveys.



There is also his extensive collection of Jennings novels


You know the ones;



Jennings Goes to School



Jennings Follows A Clue



Jennings Finds Matron



Jennings and the Burning Sensation



Jennings Goes To The Clinic




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