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  1. Hello everyone - thanks for this really interesting topic and for solving a cryptic historical puzzle! I work at the Council and Walton Lea recently offered Walton Hall and Gardens the 'Travellers Rest' stone that was located in their car park. The inscription (badly eroded sadly) reads 'Travellers Rest - a Gift of Gilbert Greenall Esquire - 1860'. Walton Lea knew it couldn't be in its original position, as previous posters have said, because Walton Lea was not in the Greenalls ownership in 1860. So they assumed it was a mounting block used at the Walton Estate and offered it back to us. However your excellent historical research shows it was one of several and the others are located on main roads, so I wonder if it was moved from the main A road near the Walton Arms at some point in the past? In any case, it now has pride of place at Walton - you can see and even sit upon it at the entrance to the Heritage Yard, opposite the Cycle Museum. I've been trying to upload a picture but with no success I'm afraid, but please do go and visit! Thanks again for your superb research skills!
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